Now Enrolling, Apply Today!

We are now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year! We would love for you child to join us. We offer grades preK - 8th. We focus on a love for learning, not testing and your child will receive individual hands on attention from great teachers. The classical curriculum we offer instills joy and wonder in our students helps your child grow in wisdom and knowledge.

  • Our preK program is for ages 3 and 4 year olds. We have a 3 day a week and 5 day a week option.

  • We offer a beautiful classical education at HFCA with small class sizes of less than 15 students.

  • Classical education fosters eudaimonia, or human flourishing. By reading the Western Canon, students enter direct conversation with the great thinkers who have come before. Those who sought to answer difficult questions give students direct access into the triumphs and travails of the human condition. The goal of classical education is to guide and direct students in the attainment of their ultimate purpose: becoming more human. In contrast, modern education generally tends to teach “subjects” or “skills.”

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”


Faithful & Joyful

St. Augustine famously said “Our hearts are restless until they rest in You, O Lord”. At Holy Family, we build a firm foundation in faith through daily prayer, study of scripture and theology, and an active participation in the life of the Church. This prepares your child for a lifetime of joy, in faithful service to our Lord.

Apply Today

Thank you for your interest. It is a joy to serve our students, and we would love to serve your family as well. We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 School Year. Holy Family would love to have your family as a part of our family!

Academic Excellence

At Holy Family Classical Academy, our goal is to form the whole person, striving after both moral and academic excellence. We will prepare your child to live a life of joy, in awe and wonder at the world our loving God created.


Holy Family Classical Academy strives to foster an environment of grace through classical education, forming students in the Catholic faith in service to God and neighbor, enabling them to live a contemplative and purposeful life for Christ our Lord.


Gaudium de Veritate

We take as our motto Gaudium de Veritate, Joy from the Truth, because we only find true lasting joy when we are steeped in the Truth. All the truths of language, math, science, and music point to the one Truth that is Jesus Christ through whom all things were created. When our students are immersed in all the truths that education provides, with Faith as a constant backdrop, they will find joy in learning and joy in living.

We focus on a love for learning, not testing!

Apply Today!